Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Boy without a Penis:

This article clearly shows the limit of the our science. Through researches the researchers found out that the hormones mostly decides the differences between the males and females. In this case although the boy was treated with the female hormones and was nurtured as a girl. He refused the nurture and turned towards the his nature.
why would that be? when he had a 'scientifically' arranged environment and biological changes to be a girl. how did he feel that something was wrong? this incident of the boy proves the limit of nurture current science can offer to change something from the nature.


Blogger euy said...

(From Tat and Euy) We both agree to Lim that nurture doesn't overcome nature, and that what we were born with have more control of our lives and thoughts than we think. Nature and nurture together help make us who we are.

7:53 PM  

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